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Sing The Light

Role: Lead Designer, 2D Artist

Special Thanks to My Teammates

Haocheng Liu - Lead Programmer

Matthew Miller - Producer

Sakura Luo - Lead Artist


Game Build: Google Drive



Sing The Light is a 3D adventure and puzzle game in an isomatric view. The player will play as the ghost of a liitle girl, to step on a journey of giving her mother a relief.

This game is also an assignment for the course Design for Interactive Media (CTIN=541) in my graduate program, aiming to design a narrative play.


Main Mechanics

The mechanisms of the game contain 4 different parts.

For the protagonist, the little girl can sing to light up the interactable objects around her, to solve the puzzles and find the paths.

Besides the character, there are 3 different types of interactable object with different features.

  • Lily of the valley: The yellow flowers. they can be lit up, and light up each other to cause a chain effect.

  • The vine: The green vines with different growing directions. They can be lit up and grow to their directions, be a platform for the player and for the yellow flowers, and block each other.

  • The blocker: Special blocks. The player can sing to the blockers to move them to that direction, and use them to block other objects.


Level Designs

There are 3 levels in total.

In the design progress, We want the player can gradually learn how to use their ability, and how to apply different functions of the interactable objects in various situations.

Level 1 is a tutorial for the player's basic ability and the function of the first interactable object. Same as the level 1, in each level, the player will learn the basic function of a object first, then learn more about the advanced functions, and how to use these functions together.



























































The story is about after the death of the main character, Lilly, she found that she had became a ghost, while her mother was in a big pain. Lilly decided to take on the journey of helping her mother, telling her that she'll always be with her.

To deliver the narrative, we let the main character be in a strange, nonsense space at first, because we want the player can feel the same way with the main character. We chose not to use any text in the game, so we used cutscenes and environmental narratives in the game.



Having had decision on having a style of children's story books, I finish the storyboard and linework of the cutscenes.
















We've done about 6 times of the playtests. We'll write done the feedback and revise the game after each playtest.

Early prototype WIP of the level 2


Game Loop Within Levels


Game Flow

Storyboard of the ending

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